AST makes the Sustainability Report public for the first time


Ilgtspejas_parskats_vaks.png In addition to the annual financial statement, AST has for the first time prepared a Sustainability Report in accordance with the internationally recognised Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. It reflects the impact of company’s activities on the national economy, society, employees and the environment.

“Clearly defined basic principles of the company’s activities helps to develop in one direction, therefore, by improving good corporate management practice and developing an understanding of social responsibility at the company, as well as by strengthening sustainable thinking, this year we have performed a wider non-financial impact assessment that is included in the sustainability report,” says AST Chairman of the Board Varis Boks explaining the importance of the report.

The AST report reveals information on aspects and indicators relevant to its activity and sustainable development. In accordance with basic level requirements, the report discloses the general information on the activity of AST in full amount. Upon the preparation of the Sustainability report for 2017, AST gathered the views of stakeholders and impact parties, covering clients, cooperation partners, employees and personnel interest representatives, state authorities and non-governmental organisations affected by the activity of AST, as well as fields where there are risks related to sustainability aspects.

The Sustainability report is available on the website of AST, and it will also be available for all interested parties in the international GRI data base along with companies of the sector such as the system operator of the Norwegian power system and Finland’s Fingrid.