The European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution will go-live on 12th June


The XBID Project Parties are pleased to confirm that  the European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects will go-live on Tuesday 12th June with first deliveries on Wednesday 13th June 2018. Following assessment of the readiness of each party involved, the XBID Intraday Steering Committee has made the decision to proceed with the launch of XBID.

The single intraday market will enable continuous cross-border trading across the entire Europe. This single intraday market solution will be based on a common IT system with one Shared Order Book, a Capacity Management Module and a Shipping Module.

This means that orders entered by market participants for continuous matching in one country can be matched by orders similarly submitted by market participants in any other country within the project’s reach as long as transmission capacity is available.

The intraday solution supports both explicit (where requested by NRAs) and implicit continuous trading and is in line with the EU Target model for an integrated intraday market.

The purpose of the XBID initiative is to increase the overall efficiency of intraday trading.

Further information is detailed in the attached document: Go-Live Details for Market Participants - Trading opportunities

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