Events archive


15.03.2012. Independent Transmission System Operator “Augstsprieguma tīkls” sent official application letter to the Nordic power exchange “Nord Pool Spot” CEO Mr. Mikael Lundin regarding preparation work accomplishment in accordance with the relevant EU regulation and willingness to agree on future activities for Latvian elec…


The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) approved the differential tariffs (excluding VAT) on the Electricity Transmission System services by the Decision of the Council No. 44 “On Tariffs of the Electricity Transmission System Services of Augstsprieguma tīkls AS” issued on 22 February 2012 also laying down that the approved tar…


Fulfilling the requirements of the European Union's 3-rd Energy Package legislation, on January 12, 2011 Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia accepted the decision on establishment of independent Transmission System Operator and the Parliament of Republic of Latvia on July 8, 2011 accepted respective changes in the Energy Market La…