JSC "Augstsprieguma tīkls" (AST) Balance management system (BMS) was created for the exchange of information between the system operator and the recipients of balancing services, and the balancing service providers to ensure business processes. Access to system is ensured for market participants, who have concluded agreement with AST regarding balancing or balance service provision. More information about system balancing can be found here, market information is available on the Transparency platform – https://transparency.entsoe.eu/ and Baltic transparency dashboard https://baltic.transparency-dashboard.eu/.
The balance management system started operating on May 31, 2023.
Balance Management System (BMS) is information system integrated with large number external as well as internal systems. The purpose of the system is to ensure execution of business processes needed for grid and market operations and the data exchange with other parties that it requires. BMS itself consists of Presentation layer, Business logic layer and Data layer. BMS Portal (Client/Public) is accessible via web browser for BRPs (balance responsible party) and BSPs (balancing service provider). System incorporates many modules listed below:
- Balance planning;
- Balancing bid management;
- Imbalance Settlement;
- Reporting to ENTSO-E Transparency;
- Cross-Zonal Capacity (CZC) planning;
- Short Term Adequacy (STA).
Balance planning ensures that electricity generation and consumption within the electricity system is always in balance (annual, monthly, weekly, D-2 ahead, D-1 ahead, intraday).
The BRPs must present their production plans, consumption forecasts and fixed supplies with other market participants for their balance responsibility. AST should coordinate balance plans with neighbouring TSOs too. AST BMS ensures that the submitted data is correct and confirm the balance plans. The confirmed balance plan is a basis for real time management of the AST transmission network.
According to the Regulation (EU) No 543/2013 of 14 June 2013 on submission and publication of data in electricity markets, it is mandatory for EU member state data providers and owners to submit information related to electricity generation, load, transmission and balancing for publication through the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform. BMS ensures data provision from AST to ENTSO-E Transparency Platform.
The Bid Management module is the integral part of the Balance Management System and it includes the functionalities and services that are necessary for balancing service provision. Currently there is integration with Common Baltic Balancing System (CoBA) mFRR platform. It is planned to have integration with MARI – European mFRR balancing energy exchange platform and PICASSO – European aFRR balancing energy exchange platform in future. This module supports AST in operations of balancing market by collecting bids, providing activation orders to BSPs and other functionalities. More about balancing service provision available here.
The purpose of Imbalance Settlement is to determine the amount and cost of the imbalance volumes for the Latvian power system and for BRPs within their balance areas for each trading period. BRPs imbalance is determined taking into account the data submitted by BRPs in the Balance planning module and the data received from SSOs.
In future additional functionality will be added in the settlement module BMS. It will include the settlement regarding activations performed by BSPs and the process of coordination of amount and price of energy delivered providing balancing service.
BMS system will support also internal AST processes related to or resulting from balance planning and power market operation related activities. Among these processes there are:
- calculation and forecasting of grid energy losses, which occur during power transportation through the network, as well as their procurement in the market;
- calculation and coordination of cross-zonal capacities (CZC) with neighbouring Transmission System Operators and Baltic Regional Coordination Center, as well as provision of CZC to the power market and ENTSO-E Transparency Platform;
- preparation and provision of forecasted generation and consumption data to pan-EU Short Term Adequacy process, during which power supply adequacy of EU power systems is evaluated.
- Instructions for use of the external portal of BMS (in Latvian, pdf file)
- BMS Implementation guide for Balance responsible party (v2, pdf file)
- BMS Implementation guide for Balancing service providers (pdf file)
- XSD schemes (zip file)