Regulations of work execution refer to 110/330 kV overhead powerlines and protection zones of 110 kV and 330 kV cable powerlines. Regulations of work execution are reviewed after coordinating the relevant project with Augstsprieguma tīkls AS (AST) within the provided order.
The following conditions of work execution must be observed – two weeks before the planned commencing of the works:
- an application must be submitted to AST, which includes information on the character of the works, the necessity of disconnecting the electrical installation, full name of the particular 110/330 kV electrical installation (line No., support No.), the time of work execution and the responsible persons. The application must be prepared on a company form and must be signed by the company manager;
- work execution project must be submitted – developed taking into consideration the Construction Regulations of Electrical Installations in accordance with the Protection Zone Law, the methodology of identifying the Protection Zones and other regulations in force.
The work execution project must contain the following information:
- the relevant persons (work managers, the persons responsible for freight lifting, power safety, signed copies of the certificates of these relevant persons) and their phone numbers;
- the planned labour protection at the site, and labour protection measures regarding the 110/330 kV electrical installation;
- mechanisms, freight lifting devices must be provided along their maximum manufactured/produced height and working height;
- a description on the execution of works: the order of work implementation, organisational measures, assembly and disassembly of machinery (cranes, hoists etc.), movement of machinery and persons in the protection zone of the electrical installation or near it, which is related to observing safe distances regarding the power installation, the relocation of construction materials, structures;
- the responsibility, guarantees and the mechanism for compensating the renovation costs of electrical installation of the Contractor, if losses have been incurred while implementing the works;
- drawings that provide the location of machinery and structures in respect to the nearest cable or construction element of the electrical installation with adjustments in centimetres. The location must be provided in vertical and horizontal section in the vicinity of the electrical installation. The maximum heights of the machinery must be provided in the drawing, as well as the heights of the electrical installation (cables, structures) at the site from the ground level. Additional information required can be received in the Line Service division of Augstsprieguma tīkls AS.
The application and the work execution project must be submitted for registration at the Document Management Department of AST. Work execution project is only coordinated after all of the above mentioned requirements are met.
The coordination text must include information about additional safety measures, instructions (the person providing the instructions, phone), the responsibility of the contractor’s responsible work managers and work executors, the provision of executive documentation after the works are completed (if necessary). In case of necessity a supervisor is appointed.
Accuracy of the executive project in terms of the electric safety taking into consideration the information submitted by the contractor is a responsibility of the supervisor of the Line Service Section of the Augstsprieguma tikls AS or his/her substitute, head of the Line Service or his deputy.