Electricity suppliers and balance responsible parties

Imbalance and balance responsibility

Imbalance means an energy volume calculated for a balance responsible party and representing the difference between the allocated volume (energy volume physically injected or withdrawn) attributed to that balance responsible party and the final position (energy volume forecasted and declared) of that balance responsible party, including any imbalance adjustment applied to that balance responsible party, within a given imbalance settlement period. According to Latvian Electricity Market Law, each market participant is responsible for its own caused imbalance. Balance responsibility includes assuming responsibility for the imbalance caused by another electricity market participant (balancing service recipient).


Each balance responsible party has a designated imbalance area which includes all metering points for which the balance responsibly party is responsible for. In Latvia, there are three levels of balance responsibility:

  • Only transmission system operator can assume balance responsibility for balance responsible parties;
  • Any balance responsible party can assume balance responsibility for an electricity supplier, a consumer or a producer;
  • Any electricity supplier that has concluded a Balancing service agreement (not to be mistaken with Ancillary services agreement) can assume balance responsibility for a consumer or a producer.

Current lists of market electricity market participants who have concluded System use agreements and electricity market participants who have concluded Balancing agreements are available below. Read more on how to become balance responsible party or electricity supplier.

+ Balancing responsible parties
Balancing Responsibility party Registration number Balancing agreement effective from Balancing agreement terminated on
Augstsprieguma tīkls, AS 40003575567 01.01.2018 n/a
AJ Power, SIA 40103780693 01.01.2018 valid
Alexela, AS 10015238 31.10.2024 valid
AOX Trade, SIA 40203343967 16.11.2021 valid
Bohner, SIA 40103637011 19.12.2024 valid
Capalo AI Oy 3268277-1 07.02.2025 valid
Enefit, SIA 40003824046 01.01.2018 valid
Energynet Finland OY 3236150-5 23.07.2024 07.11.2024
ENERGYNET, SIA 40103535645 04.01.2021 16.01.2025
Enerģijas publiskais tirgotājs, SIA 40103762700 01.01.2018 valid
Feniks +, SIA 40103824517 01.11.2023 26.02.2024
Gren Latvia, SIA 40103854352 01.01.2018 valid
Ignitis Latvija, SIA 40103642991 01.01.2018 valid
Imlitex Latvija, SIA 40003628614 01.01.2018 31.03.2024
Latvenergo, AS 40003032949 01.01.2018 valid
MVBK, SIA 40103895702 01.09.2024 valid
Nidhog ApS Latvijas filiāle, BFC 40203548311 16.05.2024 valid
PowerFlow Trade, SIA 40203564000 22.07.2024 valid
Respect Energy Spółka Akcyjna, AS 0000759658 06.10.2022 27.07.2024
Scener, SIA 40003825376 01.01.2018 valid
Second Foundation Trading, AG CHE-154.481.776 06.08.2024 valid
Willbrook Management, SIA 40003883266 18.04.2024 valid
+ Electricity suppliers
Electricity supplier Registration number System use agreement from System use agreement terminated on
AJ Power, SIA 40103780693 01.01.2018 valid
Alexela, AS 10015238 22.10.2024 valid
Alexela, SIA 40103752971 01.01.2018 valid
AOX Trade, SIA 40203343967 16.11.2021 valid
BITE Latvija, SIA 40003742426 01.01.2018 valid
Bohner, SIA 40103637011 16.12.2024 valid
BRIGHT FUTURE ENERGY, SIA 40103973725 01.01.2018 valid
Capalo AI Oy 3268277-1 04.02.2025 valid
CRES, SIA 40103655055 02.10.2024 valid
Elektro HM, SIA 41503044794 19.08.2024 valid
Elenger, SIA 40203080354 01.01.2018 valid
Enefit, SIA 40003824046 01.01.2018 valid
Enefit Green, AS 11184032 06.04.2022 valid
Energynet Finland OY 3236150-5 15.07.2024 07.11.2024
ENERGYNET, SIA 40103535645 04.01.2021 16.01.2025
Enerģijas publiskais tirgotājs, SIA 40103762700 01.01.2018 valid
Feniks +, SIA 40103824517 01.11.2023 valid
Gren Latvia, SIA 40103854352 01.01.2018 valid
Ignitis Latvija, SIA 40103642991 01.01.2018 valid
Imlitex Latvija, SIA 40003628614 01.01.2018 31.03.2024
Impuls Group, SIA 40003809827 01.02.2020 valid
Latvenergo, AS 40003032949 01.01.2018 valid
Moduss Holding, SIA 50203068851 08.06.2020. valid
MVBK, SIA 40103895702 01.01.2018 valid
Nidhog ApS Latvijas filiāle, BFC 40203548311 24.04.2024. valid
PowerFlow Trade, SIA 40203564000 19.07.2024 valid
PROM LV, SIA 40103514516 01.01.2024 valid
Respect Energy Spółka Akcyjna, AS 0000759658 06.10.2022 02.08.2024
Scener, SIA 40003825376 01.01.2018 valid
Spectrum Baltic, SIA 40103879426 01.03.2018 valid
Tet, SIA 40003052786 01.01.2018 valid
Second Foundation Trading, AG CHE-154.481.776 25.07.2024 valid
VIRŠI Renergy, SIA 45403058402 01.06.2021. valid
Willbrook Management, SIA 40003883266 03.04.2024. valid