Energy identification codes

The purpose of the Energy Identification Coding (EIC) Scheme is to provide a standardised codification scheme for identification of the components of power systems (both electric power and gas) and market participants. The EIC system is established in order to facilitate data exchange processes between a power system and market participants on a national and European scale

EIC coding scheme has been established by the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) upon request of the European Commission. ENTSO-E is also nominated as the EIC Central issuing authority (EIC CIO). The tasks of EIC CIO include development and supervision of code management processes, maintenance of a register of European scale, as well as nomination of the local issuing authorities (EIC LIO). EIC LIO is responsible for maintenance of the national register and organization of the national management processes (including issuing and deactivisation of codes) according to the guidelines developed by ENTSO-E.

AS “Augstsprieguma tīkls” is the nominated EIC LIO in the Latvian electric power market and AS "Conexus Baltic Grid" is the nominated EIC LIO for the Latvian gas market, but to ensure the uniqueness of "X" type EIC, starting from April 2024, AS “Augstsprieguma tīkls” issues "X" type EIC to both electricity and natural gas market participants.

The codes issued so far remain unchanged and, as of 1 February 2024, all EICs issued by AS "Augstsprieguma tīkls" can be found on the EIC CIO website.

EIC consists of 16 characters. The first two mean the local issuing authority (the code allocated to JSC "Augstsprieguma tīkls" is 43). The third character means EIC type (see the table  “EIC types”). The fourth to 15th character is a freely allocated combination of letters and numbers and the last character is a control sign.

Explanation AST LI code EIC type A freely allocated code of letters, numbers and hyphen characters Control sign
Possible values 4 3 X; Z; W; T; A; V; Y A-Z; 0-9; (-) A-Z; 0-9
Character # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
EIC example 4 3 X A S T T E S T 1 2 3 4 - K
+ EIC types

According to the ENTSO-E guidelines the following EIC types exist:

EIC type EIC example Explanation
X 43X00PIEMERS000B EIC which is used to identify an Energy market (both electric power and gas) participant or energy consumer.
Z 43Z00PIEMERS000K EIC which is used to identify the measurement point ensuring electric power calculation. For example, electricity meter.
W 43W00PIEMERS000P EIC which is used to identify an object/equipment for the generation, consumption or storage of electricity. For example, wind turbine, hydroelectric power station turbine or their set. This EIC type may not be used in order to identify lines or transformers.
T 43T00PIEMERS000U EIC which is used to identify interconnection lines, internal lines and transformers.
A 43A00PIEMERS0000 EIC which is used to identify substation and transformer points.
V 43V00PIEMERS0002 EIC which is used to identify the physical or logic place where the IT system is located.
Y 43Y00PIEMERS000Y EIC which is used to mark a geographical or market area, for example, in XBid platform.


+ Request EIC

The participants of the Latvian Energy market (both electric power and gas) willing to obtain the energy identification code (EIC) are required to fill in the EIC request form in electronic form. AST will review the application and provide a response within one week. To get more information about EIC, send an email to [email protected].

EIC request application form


+ The allocated EIC

The energy identification code (EIC) system is based on a fixed-length alphanumeric code. An EIC consists of 16 characters and contains information about the EIC issuing authority, as well as information about the identifiable object.

As of 1 February 2024, all EICs issued by AS "Augstsprieguma tīkls" can be found on the EIC CIO website.

Company name EIC code Display name VAT registration No. /Registration No. Functions Created
AS "Augstsprieguma tīkls" 10X1001A1001B54W LV-AST LV40003575567 Transmission system operator 21.12.2010
SIA "INTER RAO LATVIA" 43X-T-INTERAOL-H LV-INTERRAO LV40103268639 Energy trader 22.03.2011
SIA "LĪČEZERS AT" 43X-T-LICEZERS-U LV-LICEZERS LV40103354292 Energy trader 16.05.2011
SIA "IMLITEX LATVIJA"" 43X-T-BCGRIGA0-9 LV-BCGRIGA LV40003628614 Energy trader 30.05.2011
SIA "GREEN ENERGO" 43X-G-GREENENE-A LV-V-GREEN LV40103239574 Energy producer 07.07.2011
SIA "E2C" 43X-T-E2C00000-0 LV-E2C LV40103314637 Energy trader 24.10.2011
AS "Latvenergo" 43X-T-LATVENER-K LV-LATVENERGO LV40003032949 Energy trader 02.01.2012
SIA "Enefit" 43X-T-ENEFIT00-T LV-ENEFIT LV40003824046 Energy trader 02.01.2012
SIA "Scener" 43X-T-ENEAVOTS-X LV-ENERGIJASA LV40003825376 Energy trader 02.01.2012
SIA "Energo Trade" 43X-T-ENERTRAD-W LV-ENERTR LV40103342611 Energy trader 02.01.2012
SIA "Fenzo" 43X-T-FENZO000-Y LV-FENZO LV43603039410 Energy trader 02.01.2012
SIA "Energoaudit&Consulting" 43X-T-ENERCONS-F LV-ENECO LV40003717306 Energy trader 02.01.2012
SIA "Juglas Jauda" 43X-G-JUGLASJA-Z LV-K-JUGLJ LV40003659385 Energy producer 02.01.2012
SIA "Baltic Energy Pool" 43X-T-BALENEPO-0 LV-BEPOOL LV40103230908 Energy trader 23.05.2012
SIA "HANSA ENERGY" 43X-T-HANSENER-I LV-HANSEN LV40103578381 Energy trader 10.10.2012
SIA "Santoni" 43X-T-SANTONI--K LV-SANTONI LV40103585769 Energy trader 21.01.2013
SIA "GIROLAT" 43X-T-GIROLAT0-X LV-GIROLAT LV40003620894 Energy trader 22.03.2013
SIA "Baltic Energy Fund" 43X-T-BALENFUN-F LV-BALENF LV40103441551 Energy trader 22.03.2013
SIA "VELDA vējš" 43X-G-VELDAVEJ-G LV-V-VELDA LV42103049850 Energy producer 28.05.2013
SIA "Ignitis Latvija" 43X-T-ETIEKIMA-N LV-ETIEKIMAS LV40103642991 Energy trader 13.06.2013
SIA "Elektro Biznesa Apvienība" 43X-T-ELBA0000-Q LV-ELBA LV40103201171 Energy trader, producer and supplier 02.09.2013
SIA "Energy Solutions" 43X-T-ENS00001-D LV-ENS LV40103397643 Energy trader for consumers with total trading amount >4000MWh per year 15.10.2013
SIA "Lauktehnikas Enerģētiķis" 43X-T-LEN00001-R LV-LEN LV44103005996 Electrical energy distributor, energy trader 12.11.2013
SIA "WIN BALTIC" 43X-T-WINB0002-N LV-WINB LV50103711941 Energy trader 17.01.2014
SIA "Alexela" 43X-T-220E0003-Z LV-220E LV40103752971 Energy trader 31.01.2014
SIA "Noventis Energy Trade" 43X-T-NOVEN004-F LV-NOVEN LV50103700401 Wholesale Energy trader 07.02.2014
SIA "Bridge Investments" 43X-T-BRINV005-O LV-BRINV LV40103741291 Energy trader and supplier 13.02.2014
AS "Enerģijas publiskais tirgotājs" 43X-T-EN1PUBL6-G LV-ENPUBL LV40103762700 Energy trader 12.03.2014
SIA "e-Elektrība" 43X-T-E1ELE007-0 LV-E1ELE LV40103765266 Energy trader 20.03.2014
SIA "STARFIT ENERGY" 43X-T-STARFIT8-C LV-STARFIT LV40103773865 Energy trader 14.04.2014
SIA "Būvkompānija energoplus" 43X-T-BUVPLUS9-Z LV-BUVPLUS LV52103040571 Energy trader 17.04.2014
SIA "AJ Power" 43X-T-AJP00010-1 LV-AJP LV40103780693 Wholesale Energy trader 30.04.2014
SIA "Willbrook Management" 43X-T-WMN00011-Q LV-WMN LV40003883266 Energy trader 16.10.2014
SIA "Energo birojs" 43X-T-ENERB012-B LV-ENERB LV43603058144 Energy trader 20.10.2014
SIA "Electric Power Supply" 43X-T-ELPS00014Y LV-ELPS LV40003691685 Energy trader 03.11.2014
SIA "ENERCOM PLUS" 43X-G-ENEP00015K LV-ENEP LV40003992236 Energy trader and producer 03.11.2014
SIA "Enefit Power & Heat Valka" 43X-G-ENVA00016O LV-ENVA LV44103024234 Energy and heat producer 25.11.2014
SIA "Eco Baltia vide" 43X-T-ECOBALTVIS LV-ECOB LV40003309841 Energy trader 09.02.2015
SIA "Deco Energy" 43X-TG-DE000002R LV-TGDE LV40103213607 Energy trader 02.04.2015
SIA "NBT5 Energy” 43X-TG-NE0000039 LV-TGNE LV40103713349 Energy producer, trader and distributor 17.04.2015
SIA "Gostiņi" 43X-TG-GO000004R LV-TGGO LV55403015231 Energy trader and distributor 08.05.2015
SIA "Wildfinance" 43X-TG-WF000005R LV-TGWF LV40103300317 Energy trader 22.05.2015
SIA "Fortum Latvia" 43X-TG-FORTUM06N LV-TGFORT LV40103854352 Energy producer and trader 27.05.2015
SIA "KJLD" 43X-TG-K0000007T LV-TGKJ LV40103910289 Energy trader and producer 20.07.2015
SIA "ESK Sistēmas" 43X-TG-E00000087 LV-TGES LV40003932222 Energy trader and producer 20.07.2015
SIA Winergy 43X-TG-WE000009R LV-TGWE LV40103194486 Energy producer and trader 20.07.2015
SIA Aeon Energy 43X-TG-AE000010I LV-TGAE LV40103905324 Energy trader 10.08.2015
SIA BKNO Consulting 43X-TG-FP000011V LV-TGFP LV40103910749 Energy trader 13.08.2015
SIA LVS Latvija 43X-TG-LL0000127 LV-TGLL LV40103275522 Energy trader 26.10.2015
SIA ENERTY 43X-TG-E0000013E LV-TGE LV40103799629 Energy trader 12.11.2015
SIA "AKCI" 43X-TG-A0000014B LV-TGA LV40003256135 Energy trader, consultative 12.11.2015
SIA "ENERGO STAR" 43X-TG-ES0000158 LV-TGES1 LV40003951670 Energy trader and producer 27.01.2016
SIA „GE energy” 43X-TG-GE000016Q LV-TGGE2 LV40103938946 Energy trader and producer 28.01.2016
SIA "FRENZO" 43X-TG-F0000017Y LV-TGF3 40103922521 Energy trader and producer 15.02.2016
SIA "BRIGHT FUTURE ENERGY" 43X-TG-BFE00018Z LV-RGB4 40103973725 Energy trader 07.03.2016
Impuls Group SIA 43X-TG-IG000019N LV-TGIP5 40003809827 Energy trader 23.03.2016
SIA PORTMAN 43X-TG-P0000020T LV-TGP6 40103592281 Storehouse, transportation and other services 24.03.2016
SIA GRANĪTS 43X-TG-G0000022W LV-TGG8 50103001171 Energy trader 17.06.2016
SIA „Nordic Power Management” 43X-TG-GPM000239 LV-TGNPM 40103612094 Energy trader 13.10.2016
SIA TET 43X-TG-LTC000240 LV-TGLTC 40003052786 Telecommunications service provider 18.10.2016
FoodCom SIA 43X-TG-FC000025D LV-TG011 41203057183 Energy trader 20.10.2016
SIA "Vecsiljāņi" 43X-TG-VS000026Z LV-TGVS12 48701000077 Energy producer


SIA Gate service 43X-TG-GS000027K LV-TGGS13 40203030442 Energy trader 21.11.2016
SIA "Cheap Energy" 43X-TG-CE000028I LV-TGC14 40203031772 Broker services for the electricity market 06.12.2016
SIA "MVBK" 43X-TG-MV000029C LV-TGMV15 40103895702 Consulting 30.01.2017
SIA REVO.LV 43X-TG-RL000030P LV-TGRL16 40103333623 Energy trader 16.03.2017
SIA Senergo 43X-TG-PU0000316 LV-TGPU17 40103693339 Energy trader 26.04.2017
SIA Elenger 43X-TG-EE0000329 LV-TGEE18 40203080354 Energy trader 10.08.2017
SIA WHS Power 43X-TG-WP000033G LV-TGWP19 40203104597 Energy trader 22.11.2017
SIA Vats 43X-TG-VS000134W LV-TGVS20 LV41203008173 Energy trader and distributor 31.01.2018
SIA Baltic Balance Energy 43X-TG-BBE00035U LV-TGBB21 LV43603080499 Energy trader 01.02.2018
SIA SPECTRUM BALTIC 43X-TG-SB000036A LV-TGSB22 LV40103879426 Energy trader 01.02.2018
SIA RDZ Energy 43X-TG-RDZ00037F LV-TGRD23 LV44103026146 Energy trader 11.04.2018
SIA Aiveks 43X-TG-AI0000381 LV-TGAI24 LV40003529534 Energy trader 15.06.2018
AS "Citadeles Projekti" 43X-TG-AEG00039U LV-TGAE25 LV40103364464 Energy trader 04.09.2018
SIA "RENAISSANCE CONSTRUCTION GROUP" 43X-TG-RCG00040J LV-TGRC26 LV40103875994 Energy trader 17.09.2018
SIA "BRIGHT FUTURE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES" 43X-TG-BFT000419 LV-TGFT27 LV41503082940 Energy trader 05.10.2018
SIA "Sal-Energo" 43X-TG-SAL00042O LV-TGSA28 LV48503010734 Energy producer 22.01.2019
SIA "Moduss Holding" 43X-TG-MHO00044Y LV-TGMH29 LV50203068851 Energy trader 25.03.2019
SIA "Sadzīves pakalpojumu kombināts" 43X-TG-SPK00045G LV-TGSP30 LV41503002428 Energy distribution 27.03.2019
SIA "UŽAVA ENERGO" 43X-TG-UEN00046Q LV-TGUE31 LV41203067181 Energy trader 08.07.2019
SIA "SILTEN ENERGY" 43X-TG-SEN000475 LV-TGSE32 LV50003534471 Energy supply and production 07.11.2019
SIA "PROM LV" 43X-TG-PRO00048U LV-TGPR33 LV40103514516 Wholesale of fuels and related products 16.01.2020
SIA "A PLUS SOLUTION" 43X-TG-APLSO490A LV-TGAP34 LV42103059312 Scope of electricity trading 24.01.2020
UAB "Energijos kodas" Latvijas filiāle 43X-TG-UEKLF0503 LV-UEKL35 LV40203234183 Energy trader 11.02.2020
SIA "VEGETERIA" 43X-TG-VEGE0051Q LV-VEGE36 LV40203219108 Real estate management of a retail store network 09.03.2020
SIA "ACTUS ENERGY" 43X-TG-ACEN00532 LV-ACEN38 LV40003608919 Balance responsible party for producers 14.07.2020
SIA "MG Trade" 43X-TG-MGTR0054R LV-MGTR39 LV42103043063 Energy trader 01.09.2020
SIA "BALTIC ENERGY TRADING" 43X-TG-BAENTR55B LV-BAEN40 LV40203254279 Energy trader 01.09.2020
SIA "Balttransenergo" 43X-TG-BTTSEO56V LV-BTTSEO41 40203280892 Energy wholesale trader 18.01.2021
SIA "ENERGYNET" 43X-TG-ENE000578 LV-ENE042 40103535645 Energy trader 20.01.2021
AS “Mainchain Capital” 43X-TG-MACA05791 LVMACA043 40203109217 Energy trader 26.04.2021
SIA “Energo Impulse” 43X-TG-ENIM0059T LV-ENIM44 40203310970 Energy trader 01.06.2021
SIA AOX Trade 43X-TG-AOX00060P LV-AOXT45 40203343967 Energy trader 13.09.2021
SIA TCK 43X-STJ00714015Q 43X-J00714015Q 40003766284 Energy producer 24.05.2022
SIA Universal Master Group 43X-TG-UMA00061K LV-UMA46 40203201089 Energy trader 25.07.2022
SIA "SpinEnergy" 43X-STJ02609790U 43X-J02609790U 50203397251 Energy trader 25.07.2022
SIA "Z Enerģija" 43X-STJ02605199J 43X-J02605199J LV40203384626 Energy trader of solar energy 02.10.2022
SIA "Vangažu Elektriķis" 43X-STJ00009230F 43X-STJ00009230F 40003283735 Energy trader and distributor 27.02.2023
SIA "ARON GROUP" 43X-TG-ARGR0062S LV-ARGR47 42103105842 Energy trader 17.05.2023
AS "Sadales tīkls" 43X-STJ01017726J 43X-STJ01017726J 40003857687 Distribution system operator 24.04.2023
SIA "MARUM" 43X-STJ02046330N 43X-J02046330N 40103425186 Energy trader 04.07.2023
SIA "Feniks +" 43X-STJ02657495C J02657495 40103824517 Energy trader 09.10.2023
AS "Rīgas Siltums" 43X-STJ00001829G 43X-J00001829G 40003286750 Heat production, transmission and trade 27.12.2023
SIA "Lexington Baltic" 43X-STJ02667635G 43X-J02667635 40203488737 Energy trader 29.01.2024

More information about EIC codes