The purpose of the Energy Identification Coding (EIC) Scheme is to provide a standardised codification scheme for identification of the components of power systems (both electric power and gas) and market participants. The EIC system is established in order to facilitate data exchange processes between a power system and market participants on a national and European scale.
EIC coding scheme has been established by the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) upon request of the European Commission. ENTSO-E is also nominated as the EIC Central issuing authority (EIC CIO). The tasks of EIC CIO include development and supervision of code management processes, maintenance of a register of European scale, as well as nomination of the local issuing authorities (EIC LIO). EIC LIO is responsible for maintenance of the national register and organization of the national management processes (including issuing and deactivisation of codes) according to the guidelines developed by ENTSO-E.
AS “Augstsprieguma tīkls” is the nominated EIC LIO in the Latvian electric power market and AS "Conexus Baltic Grid" is the nominated EIC LIO for the Latvian gas market, but to ensure the uniqueness of "X" type EIC, starting from April 2024, AS “Augstsprieguma tīkls” issues "X" type EIC to both electricity and natural gas market participants.
The codes issued so far remain unchanged and, as of 1 February 2024, all EICs issued by AS "Augstsprieguma tīkls" can be found on the EIC CIO website.
EIC consists of 16 characters. The first two mean the local issuing authority (the code allocated to JSC "Augstsprieguma tīkls" is 43). The third character means EIC type (see the table “EIC types”). The fourth to 15th character is a freely allocated combination of letters and numbers and the last character is a control sign.
Explanation | AST LI code | EIC type | A freely allocated code of letters, numbers and hyphen characters | Control sign | ||||||||||||
Possible values | 4 | 3 | X; Z; W; T; A; V; Y | A-Z; 0-9; (-) | A-Z; 0-9 | |||||||||||
Character # | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
EIC example | 4 | 3 | X | A | S | T | T | E | S | T | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | - | K |
According to the ENTSO-E guidelines the following EIC types exist:
EIC type | EIC example | Explanation |
X | 43X00PIEMERS000B | EIC which is used to identify an Energy market (both electric power and gas) participant or energy consumer. |
Z | 43Z00PIEMERS000K | EIC which is used to identify the measurement point ensuring electric power calculation. For example, electricity meter. |
W | 43W00PIEMERS000P | EIC which is used to identify an object/equipment for the generation, consumption or storage of electricity. For example, wind turbine, hydroelectric power station turbine or their set. This EIC type may not be used in order to identify lines or transformers. |
T | 43T00PIEMERS000U | EIC which is used to identify interconnection lines, internal lines and transformers. |
A | 43A00PIEMERS0000 | EIC which is used to identify substation and transformer points. |
V | 43V00PIEMERS0002 | EIC which is used to identify the physical or logic place where the IT system is located. |
Y | 43Y00PIEMERS000Y | EIC which is used to mark a geographical or market area, for example, in XBid platform. |
The participants of the Latvian Energy market (both electric power and gas) willing to obtain the energy identification code (EIC) are required to fill in the EIC request form in electronic form. AST will review the application and provide a response within one week. To get more information about EIC, send an email to [email protected].
The energy identification code (EIC) system is based on a fixed-length alphanumeric code. An EIC consists of 16 characters and contains information about the EIC issuing authority, as well as information about the identifiable object.
As of 1 February 2024, all EICs issued by AS "Augstsprieguma tīkls" can be found on the EIC CIO website.
Company name | EIC code | Display name | VAT registration No. /Registration No. | Functions | Created |
AS "Augstsprieguma tīkls" | 10X1001A1001B54W | LV-AST | LV40003575567 | Transmission system operator | 21.12.2010 |
SIA "INTER RAO LATVIA" | 43X-T-INTERAOL-H | LV-INTERRAO | LV40103268639 | Energy trader | 22.03.2011 |
SIA "LĪČEZERS AT" | 43X-T-LICEZERS-U | LV-LICEZERS | LV40103354292 | Energy trader | 16.05.2011 |
SIA "IMLITEX LATVIJA"" | 43X-T-BCGRIGA0-9 | LV-BCGRIGA | LV40003628614 | Energy trader | 30.05.2011 |
SIA "GREEN ENERGO" | 43X-G-GREENENE-A | LV-V-GREEN | LV40103239574 | Energy producer | 07.07.2011 |
SIA "E2C" | 43X-T-E2C00000-0 | LV-E2C | LV40103314637 | Energy trader | 24.10.2011 |
AS "Latvenergo" | 43X-T-LATVENER-K | LV-LATVENERGO | LV40003032949 | Energy trader | 02.01.2012 |
SIA "Enefit" | 43X-T-ENEFIT00-T | LV-ENEFIT | LV40003824046 | Energy trader | 02.01.2012 |
SIA "Scener" | 43X-T-ENEAVOTS-X | LV-ENERGIJASA | LV40003825376 | Energy trader | 02.01.2012 |
SIA "Energo Trade" | 43X-T-ENERTRAD-W | LV-ENERTR | LV40103342611 | Energy trader | 02.01.2012 |
SIA "Fenzo" | 43X-T-FENZO000-Y | LV-FENZO | LV43603039410 | Energy trader | 02.01.2012 |
SIA "Energoaudit&Consulting" | 43X-T-ENERCONS-F | LV-ENECO | LV40003717306 | Energy trader | 02.01.2012 |
SIA "Juglas Jauda" | 43X-G-JUGLASJA-Z | LV-K-JUGLJ | LV40003659385 | Energy producer | 02.01.2012 |
SIA "Baltic Energy Pool" | 43X-T-BALENEPO-0 | LV-BEPOOL | LV40103230908 | Energy trader | 23.05.2012 |
SIA "HANSA ENERGY" | 43X-T-HANSENER-I | LV-HANSEN | LV40103578381 | Energy trader | 10.10.2012 |
SIA "Santoni" | 43X-T-SANTONI--K | LV-SANTONI | LV40103585769 | Energy trader | 21.01.2013 |
SIA "GIROLAT" | 43X-T-GIROLAT0-X | LV-GIROLAT | LV40003620894 | Energy trader | 22.03.2013 |
SIA "Baltic Energy Fund" | 43X-T-BALENFUN-F | LV-BALENF | LV40103441551 | Energy trader | 22.03.2013 |
SIA "VELDA vējš" | 43X-G-VELDAVEJ-G | LV-V-VELDA | LV42103049850 | Energy producer | 28.05.2013 |
SIA "Ignitis Latvija" | 43X-T-ETIEKIMA-N | LV-ETIEKIMAS | LV40103642991 | Energy trader | 13.06.2013 |
SIA "Elektro Biznesa Apvienība" | 43X-T-ELBA0000-Q | LV-ELBA | LV40103201171 | Energy trader, producer and supplier | 02.09.2013 |
SIA "Energy Solutions" | 43X-T-ENS00001-D | LV-ENS | LV40103397643 | Energy trader for consumers with total trading amount >4000MWh per year | 15.10.2013 |
SIA "Lauktehnikas Enerģētiķis" | 43X-T-LEN00001-R | LV-LEN | LV44103005996 | Electrical energy distributor, energy trader | 12.11.2013 |
SIA "WIN BALTIC" | 43X-T-WINB0002-N | LV-WINB | LV50103711941 | Energy trader | 17.01.2014 |
SIA "Alexela" | 43X-T-220E0003-Z | LV-220E | LV40103752971 | Energy trader | 31.01.2014 |
SIA "Noventis Energy Trade" | 43X-T-NOVEN004-F | LV-NOVEN | LV50103700401 | Wholesale Energy trader | 07.02.2014 |
SIA "Bridge Investments" | 43X-T-BRINV005-O | LV-BRINV | LV40103741291 | Energy trader and supplier | 13.02.2014 |
AS "Enerģijas publiskais tirgotājs" | 43X-T-EN1PUBL6-G | LV-ENPUBL | LV40103762700 | Energy trader | 12.03.2014 |
SIA "e-Elektrība" | 43X-T-E1ELE007-0 | LV-E1ELE | LV40103765266 | Energy trader | 20.03.2014 |
SIA "STARFIT ENERGY" | 43X-T-STARFIT8-C | LV-STARFIT | LV40103773865 | Energy trader | 14.04.2014 |
SIA "Būvkompānija energoplus" | 43X-T-BUVPLUS9-Z | LV-BUVPLUS | LV52103040571 | Energy trader | 17.04.2014 |
SIA "AJ Power" | 43X-T-AJP00010-1 | LV-AJP | LV40103780693 | Wholesale Energy trader | 30.04.2014 |
SIA "Willbrook Management" | 43X-T-WMN00011-Q | LV-WMN | LV40003883266 | Energy trader | 16.10.2014 |
SIA "Energo birojs" | 43X-T-ENERB012-B | LV-ENERB | LV43603058144 | Energy trader | 20.10.2014 |
SIA "Electric Power Supply" | 43X-T-ELPS00014Y | LV-ELPS | LV40003691685 | Energy trader | 03.11.2014 |
SIA "ENERCOM PLUS" | 43X-G-ENEP00015K | LV-ENEP | LV40003992236 | Energy trader and producer | 03.11.2014 |
SIA "Enefit Power & Heat Valka" | 43X-G-ENVA00016O | LV-ENVA | LV44103024234 | Energy and heat producer | 25.11.2014 |
SIA "Eco Baltia vide" | 43X-T-ECOBALTVIS | LV-ECOB | LV40003309841 | Energy trader | 09.02.2015 |
SIA "Deco Energy" | 43X-TG-DE000002R | LV-TGDE | LV40103213607 | Energy trader | 02.04.2015 |
SIA "NBT5 Energy” | 43X-TG-NE0000039 | LV-TGNE | LV40103713349 | Energy producer, trader and distributor | 17.04.2015 |
SIA "Gostiņi" | 43X-TG-GO000004R | LV-TGGO | LV55403015231 | Energy trader and distributor | 08.05.2015 |
SIA "Wildfinance" | 43X-TG-WF000005R | LV-TGWF | LV40103300317 | Energy trader | 22.05.2015 |
SIA "Fortum Latvia" | 43X-TG-FORTUM06N | LV-TGFORT | LV40103854352 | Energy producer and trader | 27.05.2015 |
SIA "KJLD" | 43X-TG-K0000007T | LV-TGKJ | LV40103910289 | Energy trader and producer | 20.07.2015 |
SIA "ESK Sistēmas" | 43X-TG-E00000087 | LV-TGES | LV40003932222 | Energy trader and producer | 20.07.2015 |
SIA Winergy | 43X-TG-WE000009R | LV-TGWE | LV40103194486 | Energy producer and trader | 20.07.2015 |
SIA Aeon Energy | 43X-TG-AE000010I | LV-TGAE | LV40103905324 | Energy trader | 10.08.2015 |
SIA BKNO Consulting | 43X-TG-FP000011V | LV-TGFP | LV40103910749 | Energy trader | 13.08.2015 |
SIA LVS Latvija | 43X-TG-LL0000127 | LV-TGLL | LV40103275522 | Energy trader | 26.10.2015 |
SIA ENERTY | 43X-TG-E0000013E | LV-TGE | LV40103799629 | Energy trader | 12.11.2015 |
SIA "AKCI" | 43X-TG-A0000014B | LV-TGA | LV40003256135 | Energy trader, consultative | 12.11.2015 |
SIA "ENERGO STAR" | 43X-TG-ES0000158 | LV-TGES1 | LV40003951670 | Energy trader and producer | 27.01.2016 |
SIA „GE energy” | 43X-TG-GE000016Q | LV-TGGE2 | LV40103938946 | Energy trader and producer | 28.01.2016 |
SIA "FRENZO" | 43X-TG-F0000017Y | LV-TGF3 | 40103922521 | Energy trader and producer | 15.02.2016 |
SIA "BRIGHT FUTURE ENERGY" | 43X-TG-BFE00018Z | LV-RGB4 | 40103973725 | Energy trader | 07.03.2016 |
Impuls Group SIA | 43X-TG-IG000019N | LV-TGIP5 | 40003809827 | Energy trader | 23.03.2016 |
SIA PORTMAN | 43X-TG-P0000020T | LV-TGP6 | 40103592281 | Storehouse, transportation and other services | 24.03.2016 |
SIA GRANĪTS | 43X-TG-G0000022W | LV-TGG8 | 50103001171 | Energy trader | 17.06.2016 |
SIA „Nordic Power Management” | 43X-TG-GPM000239 | LV-TGNPM | 40103612094 | Energy trader | 13.10.2016 |
SIA TET | 43X-TG-LTC000240 | LV-TGLTC | 40003052786 | Telecommunications service provider | 18.10.2016 |
FoodCom SIA | 43X-TG-FC000025D | LV-TG011 | 41203057183 | Energy trader | 20.10.2016 |
SIA "Vecsiljāņi" | 43X-TG-VS000026Z | LV-TGVS12 | 48701000077 | Energy producer |
20.10.2016 |
SIA Gate service | 43X-TG-GS000027K | LV-TGGS13 | 40203030442 | Energy trader | 21.11.2016 |
SIA "Cheap Energy" | 43X-TG-CE000028I | LV-TGC14 | 40203031772 | Broker services for the electricity market | 06.12.2016 |
SIA "MVBK" | 43X-TG-MV000029C | LV-TGMV15 | 40103895702 | Consulting | 30.01.2017 |
SIA REVO.LV | 43X-TG-RL000030P | LV-TGRL16 | 40103333623 | Energy trader | 16.03.2017 |
SIA Senergo | 43X-TG-PU0000316 | LV-TGPU17 | 40103693339 | Energy trader | 26.04.2017 |
SIA Elenger | 43X-TG-EE0000329 | LV-TGEE18 | 40203080354 | Energy trader | 10.08.2017 |
SIA WHS Power | 43X-TG-WP000033G | LV-TGWP19 | 40203104597 | Energy trader | 22.11.2017 |
SIA Vats | 43X-TG-VS000134W | LV-TGVS20 | LV41203008173 | Energy trader and distributor | 31.01.2018 |
SIA Baltic Balance Energy | 43X-TG-BBE00035U | LV-TGBB21 | LV43603080499 | Energy trader | 01.02.2018 |
SIA SPECTRUM BALTIC | 43X-TG-SB000036A | LV-TGSB22 | LV40103879426 | Energy trader | 01.02.2018 |
SIA RDZ Energy | 43X-TG-RDZ00037F | LV-TGRD23 | LV44103026146 | Energy trader | 11.04.2018 |
SIA Aiveks | 43X-TG-AI0000381 | LV-TGAI24 | LV40003529534 | Energy trader | 15.06.2018 |
AS "Citadeles Projekti" | 43X-TG-AEG00039U | LV-TGAE25 | LV40103364464 | Energy trader | 04.09.2018 |
SIA "RENAISSANCE CONSTRUCTION GROUP" | 43X-TG-RCG00040J | LV-TGRC26 | LV40103875994 | Energy trader | 17.09.2018 |
SIA "BRIGHT FUTURE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES" | 43X-TG-BFT000419 | LV-TGFT27 | LV41503082940 | Energy trader | 05.10.2018 |
SIA "Sal-Energo" | 43X-TG-SAL00042O | LV-TGSA28 | LV48503010734 | Energy producer | 22.01.2019 |
SIA "Moduss Holding" | 43X-TG-MHO00044Y | LV-TGMH29 | LV50203068851 | Energy trader | 25.03.2019 |
SIA "Sadzīves pakalpojumu kombināts" | 43X-TG-SPK00045G | LV-TGSP30 | LV41503002428 | Energy distribution | 27.03.2019 |
SIA "UŽAVA ENERGO" | 43X-TG-UEN00046Q | LV-TGUE31 | LV41203067181 | Energy trader | 08.07.2019 |
SIA "SILTEN ENERGY" | 43X-TG-SEN000475 | LV-TGSE32 | LV50003534471 | Energy supply and production | 07.11.2019 |
SIA "PROM LV" | 43X-TG-PRO00048U | LV-TGPR33 | LV40103514516 | Wholesale of fuels and related products | 16.01.2020 |
SIA "A PLUS SOLUTION" | 43X-TG-APLSO490A | LV-TGAP34 | LV42103059312 | Scope of electricity trading | 24.01.2020 |
UAB "Energijos kodas" Latvijas filiāle | 43X-TG-UEKLF0503 | LV-UEKL35 | LV40203234183 | Energy trader | 11.02.2020 |
SIA "VEGETERIA" | 43X-TG-VEGE0051Q | LV-VEGE36 | LV40203219108 | Real estate management of a retail store network | 09.03.2020 |
SIA "ACTUS ENERGY" | 43X-TG-ACEN00532 | LV-ACEN38 | LV40003608919 | Balance responsible party for producers | 14.07.2020 |
SIA "MG Trade" | 43X-TG-MGTR0054R | LV-MGTR39 | LV42103043063 | Energy trader | 01.09.2020 |
SIA "BALTIC ENERGY TRADING" | 43X-TG-BAENTR55B | LV-BAEN40 | LV40203254279 | Energy trader | 01.09.2020 |
SIA "Balttransenergo" | 43X-TG-BTTSEO56V | LV-BTTSEO41 | 40203280892 | Energy wholesale trader | 18.01.2021 |
SIA "ENERGYNET" | 43X-TG-ENE000578 | LV-ENE042 | 40103535645 | Energy trader | 20.01.2021 |
AS “Mainchain Capital” | 43X-TG-MACA05791 | LVMACA043 | 40203109217 | Energy trader | 26.04.2021 |
SIA “Energo Impulse” | 43X-TG-ENIM0059T | LV-ENIM44 | 40203310970 | Energy trader | 01.06.2021 |
SIA AOX Trade | 43X-TG-AOX00060P | LV-AOXT45 | 40203343967 | Energy trader | 13.09.2021 |
SIA TCK | 43X-STJ00714015Q | 43X-J00714015Q | 40003766284 | Energy producer | 24.05.2022 |
SIA Universal Master Group | 43X-TG-UMA00061K | LV-UMA46 | 40203201089 | Energy trader | 25.07.2022 |
SIA "SpinEnergy" | 43X-STJ02609790U | 43X-J02609790U | 50203397251 | Energy trader | 25.07.2022 |
SIA "Z Enerģija" | 43X-STJ02605199J | 43X-J02605199J | LV40203384626 | Energy trader of solar energy | 02.10.2022 |
SIA "Vangažu Elektriķis" | 43X-STJ00009230F | 43X-STJ00009230F | 40003283735 | Energy trader and distributor | 27.02.2023 |
SIA "ARON GROUP" | 43X-TG-ARGR0062S | LV-ARGR47 | 42103105842 | Energy trader | 17.05.2023 |
AS "Sadales tīkls" | 43X-STJ01017726J | 43X-STJ01017726J | 40003857687 | Distribution system operator | 24.04.2023 |
SIA "MARUM" | 43X-STJ02046330N | 43X-J02046330N | 40103425186 | Energy trader | 04.07.2023 |
SIA "Feniks +" | 43X-STJ02657495C | J02657495 | 40103824517 | Energy trader | 09.10.2023 |
AS "Rīgas Siltums" | 43X-STJ00001829G | 43X-J00001829G | 40003286750 | Heat production, transmission and trade | 27.12.2023 |
SIA "Lexington Baltic" | 43X-STJ02667635G | 43X-J02667635 | 40203488737 | Energy trader | 29.01.2024 |
More information about EIC codes