Reconstruction of the existing Latvija - Estonia 330kV interconnections

The project includes the reconstruction of existing 330kV interconnections between Estonia and Latvia Valmiera (LV) – Tartu (EE) and Valmiera (LV) – Tsirgulina (EE), which are combined into one activity.



Project events


The completion of the reconstruction of the 330 kV overhead line, spanning from Valmiera (Latvia) to Tsirguliina (…


To protect the cranes, ospreys and curlews nesting in the Pukši marsh, AS Augstsprieguma tīkls (AST) has installed…

Work progress plan

It is planned to start the reconstruction of the interconnection "Valmiera-Tartu" together with the Estonian TSO in middle of 2022 in the territories of Latvia and Estonia and the reconstruction of the interconnection "Valmiera-Tsirguliina" is planned to be started in 2023 after the reconstruction of "Valmiera-Tartu" in the territory of Latvia only, because the electricity transmission line in Estonia has already been reconstructed. Till 2022 the preparation works and studies as well as permitting procedures receiving processes will be carried out.

The initial environmental impact assessment for both electricity transmission lines in Latvian territory has been performed.

Environmental State Service issued technical regulations, which must be take into account during the reconstruction process of both electricity transmission lines.


The European Commission CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) Coordination Committee decided to allocate 75% co-financing to the "Baltic Synchronization Project Phase 1", where both electricity transmission lines are included as a part of the project

Public consultations.

Start of design and construction tender.

Signing of contracts for designing and building of
both electric transmission lines (Valmiera-Tartu and Valmiera-Tsirguliina).

Design, topographic, geological activities.

Individual communication with landowners regarding the conclusion of encumbrance and compensation agreements

Disconnection and construction Valmiera-Tartu line.

Individual communication with landowners regarding the conclusion of encumbrance and compensation agreements


Completion of the construction Valmiera-Tartu line and clean-up of the areas affected.

Disconnection and construction Valmiera-Tsirguliina line.

Completion of the construction Valmiera-Tsirguliina line and clean-up of the areas affected.

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About the project

The implementation of both projects, i.e. "Interconnection Valmiera (LV) - Tartu (EE)" and "Interconnection Valmiera (LV) – Tsirguliina (EE)" is planned to start in Latvian territory after 2020, when the third Estonian-Latvian interconnection project will be commissioned.

Both mentioned electricity transmission lines have been built in the 60s and 70s of the last century, the standards took into account during their construction no longer meet the requirements of current operation, for example, the differences in transmission capacity during the winter and summer seasons hinder the effective functioning of electricity market. These electricity transmission lines must be completely replaced with new increased capacity lines to provide higher total electricity transmission capacity in the North-South direction of the Baltic region. The project is supported by the transmission system operators (TSO) of Latvia and Estonia and it is included in the electricity transmission system development plan of Latvia and the Pan European ten year network development plan (TYNDP), prepared by ENTSO-E.

In order not to reduce the existing transmission capacity on the cross-border between Estonia and Latvia, the TSOs of Latvia and Estonia have developed reconstruction plan for 330kV electricity transmission lines in Latvia and Estonia to reinforce the power transmission network for the synchronization with Continental Europe, which is planned to be implemented after the commissioning of the third Estonian-Latvian 330 kV interconnection project.

Together with this project, Estonian TSO will continue the reconstruction of existing 330 kV electricity transmission lines in Estonia in accordance with existing operational requirements, increasing their transmission capacity. The reconstruction of both interconnection is aimed at providing sufficient infrastructure for the energy independence of the Baltic States from the Russian Integrated Power system/United Power System (IPS/UPS) and is a prerequisite for successful Baltic electricity systems synchronization with electricity transmission networks of Continental Europe.

At the beginning of 2018, the initial environmental impact assessment for both electricity transmission lines in Latvian territory has been performed, based on initial environmental impact assessment application, prepared by AS "Augstsprieguma tīkls" and submitted to the Environmental State Service (ESS) on January 8, 2018. After evaluation of application ESS Valmiera Regional Environmental Board on March 5, 2018 issued a decision on not apply the full environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedure for both electricity transmission lines in territory of Latvia and on March 12, 2018 the ESS issued technical regulations, which must be take into account during the reconstruction process of both electricity transmission lines.

Public consultations on the reconstruction of both electricity transmission lines were duly conducted in the regions whose territories these electricity transmission lines are crossing, in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No 347/2013 of the European Parliament and of the European Council. The public consultation in Strenci county took place on 11 of March 2020 on site, informing those present about the project activities and answering the questions from landowners and other interested parties, while the public consultation in Beverina and Valka counties were organized remotely due to the Covid-19 quarantine situation. Landowners of Beverina and Valka counties were individually informed about the project activities with opportunity to submit their questions or call until July 24, 2020 to the contact person of AST. All submitted questions and comments, as well as received phone calls have been answered and clarified to interested parties.

Public consultation protocol from Strenci county can be found here and from Beverina and Valka counties can be found here.

The expert's opinion on the possible impact of the reconstruction of the 330 kV power transmission lines "Valmiera - Tartu" and "Valmiera - Tsirguliina" on the species and habitats of specially protected birds living in the territory of the Pukši marsh can be found in the links below (in Latvian)

Both electricity transmission lines are included in the list of projects of common interest (PCI), developed and approved, according European Parliament and European Council Regulation No 347/2013. Both projects are the part of the Baltic Synchronization Cluster No.4.8 where the Valmiera (LV) - Tartu (EE) interconnection project has PCI No. 4.8.1 and the Valmiera (LV) - Tsirguliina (EE) interconnection has PCI No. 4.8.3. More information on the PCI list can be found here.

On January 23, 2019, the European Commission CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) Coordination Committee decided to allocate 75% co-financing to the "Baltic Synchronization Project Phase 1", where electricity transmission interconnections "Valmiera (LV) – Tartu (EE)" and "Valmiera (LV) - Tsirguliina (EE)" are included as a part of the project, meaning that the reconstruction of both electricity transmission lines in the territory of Latvia will be carried out with 75% European co-financing.


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