Balancing and system imbalance prices

Actual information and data on the functioning of the Baltic coordinated balancing area and Baltic balancing market since January 1, 2018, are available on the Baltic coordinated balancing area website:

According to the Public Utilities Commission decision No. 1/4 of June 26, 2013, “Network Code in the Electricity Sector,” point 135.3, when calculating the balancing reserves maintenance price for the settlement periods from July 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, the transmission system operator shall apply the same balancing power reserves maintenance price attributable to the amount of electricity consumed in the imbalance area of the balance responsible party and the balancing reserves maintenance price attributable to the absolute total imbalance of the BRP, which the transmission system operator shall publish on its website no later than February 1, 2025, after prior coordination with the Regulator.

During the period from July 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, AS “Augstsprieguma tīkls” will apply the following balancing reserves maintenance prices:

Period Balancing power reserves maintenance price attributable to the amount of electricity consumed in the imbalance area of the BRP, EUR/MWh Balancing power reserves maintenance price attributable to the amount of absolute total imbalance of the BRP, EUR/MWh
07.2025 3.00 42.07
08.2025 3.00 42.07
09.2025 3.00 42.07
10.2025 3.00 42.07
11.2025 3.00 42.07
12.2025 3.00 42.07
Historical electricity imbalance prices until September 2024: